Dr. Bfixin

Tummy Tuck With Liposuction 360

with DrBfixin in Long Island, NY

Skin and fat create most of the concerns patients have about their abdomen. Often, two separate procedures address these concerns: a tummy tuck and liposuction, respectively. With new safety measures and technology, there is no reason to split these two procedures into separate surgical sessions. For most patients, it is possible to undergo a tummy tuck and liposuction, including liposuction 360 at the same time. Dr. Scott Blyer at Cameo Surgery Center performs the best tummy tuck with liposuction 360 Long Island and NYC offers.

Overview: Tummy Tuck With Lipo 360

A tummy tuck with liposuction 360 is a body contouring procedure that removes excess skin and fat. Along with addressing the abdominal skin and fat, liposuction is also performed along the hips and back to provide completely 360-degree results. Patients may address different areas with liposuction such as some may want to treat the waist, hips, and lower back. Others may benefit from abdominal liposuction combined with the flanks and lower back.

Depending on the patient’s anatomy and goals, Dr. B may recommend adding a skin tightening procedure such as J plasma. While he will manually tighten the skin during the abdominoplasty, the areas only treated with liposuction may benefit from skin tightening. If the areas need extensive skin tightening or removal, he may recommend a more extensive tummy tuck or body lift.

4 secrets for your Tummy Tuck


Good candidates for abdominoplasty with liposuction 360 will have excess skin on the abdomen, likely present with diastasis recti, and carry stubborn pockets of fat in areas such as the hips, flanks, lower back, and waist. In general, candidates for a tummy tuck with liposuction 360 will have characteristics such as:

  • Good overall health
  • Have maintained a stable weight for a significant period of time
  • Do not plan to have more children in the future
  • Can withstand a long surgical session
  • Have realistic expectations for the procedure

Dr. B will examine the patient during a consultation to determine if they are a candidate for a tummy tuck with liposuction 360. He will consider the patient’s current anatomy, desired result, medical history, and lifestyle.

Benefits & Risks

Like all plastic surgery procedures, a tummy tuck with liposuction 360 comes with benefits and risks that both Dr. B and the patient need to consider. Patients will also have individual factors that may put them at high risk of developing complications. This should be weighed against the benefits to determine if the procedure is worth it for a specific patient.

Some of the possible benefits include:

  • Slimmer body
  • Flatter stomach
  • Correct of diastasis recti
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles
  • Helps reveal the true results of weight loss
  • Correct stretched skin due to pregnancy
  • May remove stretch marks or other scarring on the abdomen
  • Remove stubborn areas of fat
  • Provide the ability to wear clothes in a smaller size
  • Improve confidence and mental well being
  • Undergo one recovery and session of general anesthesia
  • See body contouring results sooner
  • Performed by one of the top body contouring surgeons in the NYC area

Tummy Tuck With Lipo 360 vs. Body Lift

Abdominoplasty with lipo 360 is similar to body lift surgery which also treats the abdomen and back. However, there are a few major variances that make them entirely different procedures. The table below compares the two procedures.

Tummy Tuck with Lipo 360

  • Hip to hip incision
  • Includes multiple areas of liposuction
  • Removes skin and fat
  • Ideal for post-pregnancy
  • Likely will have a shorter recovery, but will have to wear a compression garment off and on for months
  • Patients with good or moderate skin quality are ideal
  • Dramatic results in most cases

Body Lift

  • Circumferential incision
  • May or may not include liposuction
  • Removes skin
  • Provides lift to the buttocks
  • Ideal post-massive weight loss
  • Involves a longer and potentially more intense recovery
  • Better for individuals with lower skin quality
  • May provide slight more dramatic results

There are also many similarities between a tummy tuck procedure and a body lift. They both may correct diastasis recti and will tighten the abdominal skin. Determining whether or a not a patient would benefit more from one surgery over the other comes down to how much skin they have and where it is located.

If a patient has most of their extra skin in the abdominal area, a tummy tuck with liposuction 360 will likely suffice. However, if the extra skin extends around the entire lower body such as onto the buttocks, thighs, and lower back, a body lift is likely the better procedure.

Wonder If Tummy Tuck With Liposuction 360 Works The Best For You?


Yes, for the average person, it is safe to combine an abdominoplasty and liposuction. Certain high risk patients may not be candidates for a combined surgery or extended surgical session. Dr. B will evaluate this before surgery to ensure going forward with a combination procedure is safe for each individual.

Recovery following a tummy tuck with liposuction 360 is similar to a traditional tummy tuck recovery. Patients can expect to be hunched over at an angle to prevent stress on their abdominal incision. Side effects like soreness, pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness near the incision sites is normal. Dr. B will provide medication and instructions for managing after surgery.

Some of the aftercare instructions may include:

  • Keep head and upper body elevated when resting (similar to a reclined chair)
  • Wear compression garments
  • Wear clothing that does not require it going over the head
  • Attend post-operative appointments
  • Do not shower until okayed by Dr. B (usually within a few days of surgery)
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Stay hydrated
  • Walk carefully and slowly every few hours
  • Get plenty of rest

Dog ears after a tummy tuck refers to flaps of skin at either end of the incision that stick out. While rare when a tummy tuck is performed by a qualified surgeon, they are luckily easy to avoid and correct. To initially prevent dog ears, Dr. B ensures that enough skin is removed because leaving extra skin behind is a common cause of dog ears.

Additionally, sometimes dog ears appear due to inadequate or incorrect suturing. Dr. B uses stitching techniques, including internal stitches that make dog ears much less likely. If a patient comes in with dog ears, correction involves slightly extending each end of the tummy tuck incision to remove the extra skin.

The cost of a 360 lipo and tummy tuck by top surgeon, Dr. Scott Blyer is $22,000. This cost also includes facility, anesthesia, post-operative garment, and follow-up appointment fees. Cameo Surgery Center does offer financing through Care Credit. If denied, in-house financing may be a possibility.

The Best Tummy Tuck With Liposuction 360 Long Island

Cameo Surgery Center in Islandia, New York is a leading cosmetic surgery practice serving Long Island and the Greater New York City area. Dr. Scott Blyer—also known as Dr. BFixin—is a world renowned cosmetic surgeon, social media influencer, and medical researcher. He has helped thousands of patients reach their goals and feel happier in their skin. Dr. Blyer offers the best tummy tuck with liposuction 360 Long Island and NYC provides.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 631-232-2636. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

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